Sunday, December 20, 2015

Live your DREAM and Share your PASSION



"This is YOUR LIFE. 

Do what you LOVE and Do it often. If you don't LIKE something CHANGE IT. If you don't like your job, QUIT. If you don't have enough time, STOP watching TV. If you are looking for the LOVE of Your Life, STOP; they will be waiting for you when YOU START DOING THE THINGS YOU LOVE. Stop Overanalyzing, All emotions are BEAUTIFUL. When you eat, appreciate EVERY LAST BITE.

LIFE IS SIMPLE. Open your mind, arms and heart to new things and people, WE ARE UNITED IN OUR DIFFERENCES. Ask the next person you see what their PASSION is and SHARE your inspiring dream with them.

TRAVEL OFTEN; getting LOST will help you find yourself. Some opportunities only come ONCE, SEIZE THEM.

Life is about the people you meet, and the things you CREATE with them so GO OUT and START CREATING.


Early MERRY CHRISTMAS MESSAGE from this little family to yours! 

May this Christmas Season will be  a time for you to REFLECT on your life and evaluate the things and people you really VALUE and go pursue IT/CHERISH THEM. 

I hope you hold the moments you build with the ones you love Close to your heart. And I hope you never forget to RECEIVE the Unique, True and SPECIAL LOVE that Only JESUS can provide into your life. 

 If I were to die tomorrow, please remember me as someone who LOVES LIFE, someone who's gotten redemption and freedom through Jesus. Someone who is NOT PERFECT... But completely IMPERFECT enough to receive Gods Grace in life!

My wish and prayer for you this season is to simply Seize every single moment in your life.

SLOW DOWN....once in a while.... LOOK AROUND... BE CRAZY For a CHANGE... SEIZE THE MOMENT... 

CHEERS to the BEST CHRISTMAS season!!! 🍷🍷🍷✌️😎😘😘😘💕💕💕💕🎄🎄🎄🎄✌️💃🍷🍷🍷💋💋💋

As always, Much Love!!!!! 

Besos... Tons and tons of Besos! 💋💋💋💋💋💋

Merry Christmas!!!! 

#christmas2015 #PuertoRico #vacation #veryLastminuteTrip #enjoyinglife #weDontknowabouttomorrow #merrychristmas

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Happy 35th Birthday to Me!!!

I was having mixed emotions about turning 35
It's such a different age and stage in my life... There has been times in my lives that bdays were not that meaningful but with the passing of the years each one have had a specific meaning to me. A different milestone happens, reaching a new level of personal growth and a new fresh opportunity to reach a higher level of self-actualization.
I am more than thankful to God for giving me the amazing opportunity of reaching amaZing things in my life. From traveling, serving, meeting amazing people that have touched my heart... Others breaking my heart but leaving me with a lesson that has made me stronger. 

But this year was different, I started to worry about my age a little (I know silly) but only because I really don't feel my age... I feel REJUVENATED, FULL of LIFE yet, my age is going "Down hill" --if ya know what I mean-- lol

It was also a bittersweet moment been the first year without the kiddos for a complete holiday. 
And looking back at this amazing bday weekend. visiting friends that are like family to me. Feeling their warmth and closeness, knowing how much they care about me and my family. Made me realized that there was no reason for me to be "fussing" within me about age. I look back at these amazing years...
Where I have been completely broken, yet restored by God. I have been weary but yet was able to gain new STRENGTH. I... Have ... Been .. CHALLENGED this year including w/ health and life routines changes, yet God always makes a way to pour His favor onto me and making it work for the purpose He has for me.  And most importantly all these years have brought me the opportunity to BUILD and CULTIVATE Amazing RELATIONSHIPS. 

No time has been wasted really and every single person that is part of my life have invested in me in a Non-selfish way! You ALL have change me and my heart! 💕💕  

And so I receive my new age, and this new stage of my life...
In between Coffee dates, having the hospitality in staying at different friend's houses, sharing Holidays with their families, sharing new moments with friends that start a new stage, celebrating weddings and the joy from them transferred into me from the purchase of a home.  Being a part of their new happenings of their lives, catching up, dancing, hugs and tons of hugs, hangs out... O...M..G... And Wine how can I forget the wine shared together... Lots and lots! 👌🍷 haha.. 
And To an Amazing big Family I have in Florida that is there for me and my kids and loves us unconditionally! That with their presence in the kiddos' life and mine have STRETCHED me to become a BETTER person and family member! 
What can I say....
I'm one blessed gal! 

This trip reminded me that looking back... time has not Been WASTED! 
and I am so happy about that and I am very excited and thankful of all the new memories that I will continue to build every single time The Lord allows me to open my eyes each morning! 

Soooo there you have it....With a grateful and bouncy Heart, I raise my glass.... 🍷🍷 

Cheers to my 35th Birthday!!!! 
Cheers to a new year of discovering more places of Healing in my heart.... Cheers to continue to experience that perfect Love God has planted in my heart... Cheers to the amazing people that chooses to love me in the midst of challenges, distance, time difference. THANK YOU FOR INVESTING IN ME. 

May God continue to show me the True Riches of life, May I continue to move BEYOND my comfort Zone for His purpose. May I find new and fresh LIGHT in Him. 
Thank you to all of you that make my life Extremely wonderful... 
I am thankful for all the ones who have invested of their time, love, energy, making room in your lives to Include me in it!!!! I love you for that with a special portion of my heart!!

Happy Birthday to MEEEEEE!!



Much Love! 

PS: To my Family in Florida... Can't wait to celebrate with all of you too on Friday!!!!...... 

Florida Here I come!!!!!! 💕💕💕

Saturday, October 10, 2015

"O' You of Little Faith"

You know there has been some AMAZING things happening in our  ministry with Give Her Wings.

If u don't know what this ministry is l about please check us out at

Our Team/ Organization runs with about 10 volunteers that do this out of the goodness of their hearts. We are all with different backgrounds and all place a pivotal part in this growing Minsitry. 

I currently sit on the Board and also am the Financial Director and is amazing to see how God moves on the inside, especially when it comes to numbers. There is really not a perfect "Number Formula" when it comes of the Spirit of God moving Through his people... my friends it just happens, simple as that! 

My heart is so thankful and I know    The GHW's team feel the same for all the love that is pour out from all of you into the Mamas we support. You are being a part of God's Movement in our ministry !!! 

This morning I shared a little bit of     A message that came to my mind In regards of the amazing movement God has made in this ministry to our team and I wanted to share part of it with all of you.

I know that, If there is ONE and ONE only thing I have LEARN through these last 5 years is To Never, Never Cut God short of his capabilities.

I have trust God wholehearted in my life because I have seen His spirit at work Moving... We can be in the negative and go way above and Beyond in a HOT second. We all might get discouraged at some point because we are humans, but I love when God chooses to let me Witness His amazing power.

I never, ever DARE to doubt or Cut him Short of the plan He has for blessings and even challenges! 

I love the parable of Jesus walking on the water... And I have heard it at least 3 times on these past few weeks...
And while discussing it with a few bible groups it has given me even a greater insight on exercising and reaching Ultimate Faith in my own Life......

Matthew 14:27-32

When the fisherman were afraid seeing Jesus walking on Water. Jesus reassure to them by saying: "Take COURAGE, It is I, Don't Be afraid"

Then in verse 28 Peter kind of "challenged" Jesus by telling Him "If it's you, tell me to come in the water"... So He did and when Peter got out of the boat and starts walking towards Him
He saw the wind and kind of FREAKED OUT.. Lol!
And started to sink and Jesus extended His hand and help him back into the boat and told him...:" You of Little Faith, why did you doubt?"

This reminded me that often times we kind of challenge God and when He shows up BIG we sometimes want to roll into a ball and not come out because we don't know how to deal with it... Lol! yes... His Power is so amazing that it can be overwhelming, but as God said don't doubt... We might not know it, but He has equip us already to handle the MOVEMENT of this POWER!!!!!

I don't know why I'm sharing this, but for some reason it kind of turned into my devotion this morning and thought of how God has moved in the last few days with power in our ministry.

Often times we cry out to God and cry out and when God moves like a rocket, or shakes and Rock a Few BOATS we sometimes tend to PANIC. And this parable remind us to never  Doubt or Cut Him short of His power.

I always and constantly Pray for this ministry to Explode and I can feel God Moving Us into that direction!!!

I have prayed the last few weeks because with life and routines we tend to feel as if God is way up there, far away.. But I'm smiling because seeing Him, moving and working through this, it reminded me that God is Always Near... So Near that sometimes when we are aware we can feel His whole presence so Heavy in us!!!!

I'm taking all of this in and I'm asking for you my friends to stand continuously in support and prayer for this amazing Ministry that God is carrying in His hands! 
I cannot help but to have a twinkle in my eyes and a smile on my face for the good things he is doing!!! 
And I know God is not even close to be DONE here!!

So please keep SHARING!!!!!!!!!!

Muah! Besos!!!

#DivaCheckingOut #Boom 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Expect a Blessing,Victory, deeper Strength and an Overabundance!

Good morning!!!!

As I sit here on Jury Duty waiting, not knowing what to do with myself, because I don't remember the last time I was just sitting still in a room with Nothing to do... Lol!
We are always so busy that it feels weird sometimes to just sit.
And so after getting caught up on all of my emails, sending responses to messages, etc...

I decided to continue to read a book I brought from home. And As I'm starting to turn the pages to search the last page I was since last time.. I re read a sweet message that my Mother wrote to me, and it became my devotion for this morning and I wanted to share with you. 

She send me this book as a Mother's Day gift and as I flip into the first page of the book a hand written note from her was included
Which her words exactly translated were:


For each problem EXPECT
a Blessing....
For each fight EXPECT 
a Victory....
For each disappointment EXPECT
a deeper Strength....
For each necessity EXPECT
an Overabundance....

Remain loyal to your Faith only and never forget that you have an Angel by your side, you are Never Alone.... God is with You! 

I love you daughter!"

She also included a Verse Proverbs 31:10 "

And as I'm sitting her reflecting on these words, I can't help but think how grateful I am for my Mother to reminding me and filling me these past years with the Love, Hope and Peace that only God can bring into our Hearts....

I pray that you go onto your week with a new belief that no matter what you are facing and how hard of a mountain climb you have going on... God already has provided you with the equipment to surpass it All... And  as you go on and press forward with Him, I pray that you can  recognize the amazing ways in which He is Shaping you!!! 💕💕

Much Love from this Diva to you!!!
Muah! Besos!! 💋💋💋

Gracias MADRE!!!! Te amoooo!!! 💕💕💕💕❤️💋💋

Thursday, September 24, 2015

I Loved You ENOUGH


I Loved You ENOUGH

I loved you enough until you broke me. I loved you enough to the point of forgetting who I was. 

I loved you enough until I stopped honoring myself, to become the person you wanted me to be. I loved you enough to the point of loosing any sense of self-compassion, to the point of losing my self esteem. I loved you enough until my heart was desperately screaming for Peace. 

But in the midst of all that love in despair, loving you enough taught me that when you pour love in the wrong places, you will always find emptiness and you will always forget to be fair.

And through it all, my heart was shattered, but I was humbled enough to realize God was the only one able to mend every single piece back together. And even though my heart will never be the same, I can stand firm on God's precious grace, knowing how valuable my broken journey has been for the good use and purpose of His Kingdom! 

#Diva #DropsMic 👋🎤 #BOoM #FreshOutOf this Diva's #WritingDesk 💋💋


Sunday, September 13, 2015

A Good Good Father.....


Have this verse stuck in my head from last night sermon... 

So much depth and truth my Spirit is hanging on right now from this powerful word!! 

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are NOT WORTHY to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us"-

-Romans 8:18

"Because your LOVE is better than LIFE, my lips will glorify you."-- Psalm 63:3

I woke up today.. Thanking Him... So thankful that in the midst of my Biggest struggles now years later having the chance to "glance" back and realizing that God has been good even through my toughest times and even though Life will never be perfect and recognizing that there will always be struggles, there is always a DIFFERENCE in how you can overcome those struggles coming up Victorious when we decide to FIX our Eyes on Jesus!!!!

He is a "Good Good Father... That's who He is, and We are LOVED By Him... That's Who We are"

Muah! Besos!!

#SundayWisdom #WeareLovedbyHim

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Take Heart & Keep Pushing

It has been such a busy weekend in between kiddos, school orientation, getting everything ready for the school starting this week, church meetings, serving responsibilities I have.. Etc..
Just between last night and today I had a tight schedule between serving, and meetings for upcoming projects I will be a part of and other serving opportunities I have. 
And well... as I was drafting this new "single moms" group that I decided to lead at our very own church (( which I decided to pursue upon much prayer)) 

A little thought of guilt came to mind... I thought: " Gosh, I hope my kids have been ok today because we have been just "hopping a little all over the place" 
Knowing that truthfully, I give my kids plenty of quality time. 
But as moms we tend to plant a little seed of doubt from time to time.

And well, a little bit into my drafting and putting thoughts and ideas together my Little E comes up to me and right behind him was little diva.
 Without me even mentioning anything he says ((while looking at the things I'm typing)) :
"Mommy, is that part of the meeting we just went?!" Me: "Yes, it is and I am almost done"

He goes: " You know Mom, I think all of this is amazing, I LIKE All the things that you are doing to Help others." 
Me... At this point about to tear up, but the smile on my face was super wide, I said: " I am so glad you think that".... He quickly interrupted me and says: " Yes, I LIKE all of It, having you as my mom and seeing all the things you are doing.... You went to Africa to help people, you help at my school and at church, you also Help so Many Mamas with "Give Her Wings" and Now you are trying to start a Single Moms group to help other moms like you in here.. I'm happy you do all these things and I think all of it is amazing"...
❤️💕 my heart melted💕💕 and 
I just gave that child a tight hug... 

God sure finds a way to encourage Me daily!
Friends, I don't know why I am writing and sharing this... But perhaps we all need a Little reminder that through our busyness while pursuing our hearts desires, goals and meaningful fruitful things... The time and energy spend at the end of the day it will matter. You are not ONLY making a difference in your community BUT you are also making a difference at HOME with Your actions.
At the end of the day Kids will learn more about life by the Type of "movement" you are Causing in your own life and community!

To my single moms...
"Single parent mothers who aren't spending their time looking for a man but spending their time providing for their children are the most admirable people on earth"

Be inspired. Your #1 fans will be your kids.
#TakeHeart  & #KeepPushing 

And if you are a single mother in my are or you know of any single momma out there.. Message me or give her my info.. We are launching our Life Groups at Highland Park Church the week of Sept 13th
I will be next weekend in between services assisting people Signing UP!!!! 


#DivaMommy #LetsDoThis #GreatThingsAhead #Leader #LifeGroupLeader 

Saturday, July 18, 2015


These past few months have been  very "trial" for me. 

A few life unexpected changes have come into place, along side dealing with some matters of my heart. 

And a conversation with my mom a month ago made me do a little more "soul searching".... 

She said: "daughter, you need to remain in Peace, and pray for peace, but not just peace, but that "Shalom" Peace. That perfect peace".. And she just left it at that... ((she does this quite often.. She Says something then leave it "hanging")) so, of course, I have done a little research about that Hebrew word.. "Shalom" to get to its depth of meaning, and to really soul search and find ways to apply it into my current situation in life. 

I feel that life is a constant trial, but I want to get a hold of each moment, even the tough ones. To make sure that I also change and grow through the process. That after the "test" at least I can come up a different person/woman, with a different perspective and a stronger character, ready for the next step of my life!!! 

Went out tonight with some beautiful women.....we sat around for hours and while talking and spending time getting to know them, I felt "Shalom" ALL over me!!!!

And I just got home smiling really Wide!!!! 

And so I decided to "record" this moment...... So that I may remember one day! 

And I wanted to share with you the CORE of what I have found about "Shalom" (Peace) in my life!!!..... 


"Hebrew words go beyond their spoken pronunciation. Each Hebrew word conveys feeling, intent and emotion. Shalom is more then just simply peace; it is a complete peace. It is a feeling of contentment, completeness, wholeness, well being and harmony.

According to Strong's Concordance 7965 Shalom means completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord. Shalom comes from the root verb shalom meaning to be complete, perfect and full. In modern Hebrew the obviously related word Shelem means to pay for, and Shulam means to be fully paid.

Of course, there is only one way to find TRUE shalom - and that is in the Word of God. 

Many search for fulfillment, happiness and contentment in material possessions, money, sex, entertainment, etc. But those things do nothing to fill "that little hole in our soul" that only GOD can fill! Those things only serve to distract and prevent us from finding true peace...the shalom that can only come from Him who created and put all things into place."✨💫******

And YES indeed!!! God put all things into place, even in times when we are not able to see it!!!!! 

Muah!!! Xoxoxo! Besos!! 💖💗💋

💖💗💖Te amo Madre!!! 💗💖💗

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Last night I hesitated.......

It's one of those nights. ;-) 
Those nights when I just sit down with a cup of tea to ponder and write.
Decided to share of one my entries of my very personal journal. 
But before I do, I wanted to share some
Of my favorites writing quotes:

"Writing is a form of therapy; sometimes I wonder how all those who do not write, compose or paint can manage to escape the madness, melancholia, the panic and fear which is inherent in a human situation."-Graham Greene-

"If a writer knows enough about what he is writing about, he may omit things that he knows. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one ninth of it being above water."

And that's the beauty of writing, it is not required to give everything, the beauty lies right at the borderline of the amount of details one choose to expose. The magic lies in the little mystery of the message. ;-) 
Writing brings healing (at least to me it does) not only to the writer, but to the one reading it too. And the best part is 
we (the writers) get to keep that small fraction of the story deep within our heart, just for ourselves. 

Now, this one right here is one of those moments when you surprisingly meet someone wonderful and special, but for different reasons (timing, distance, stubbornness, life, etc..) things sometimes don't workout the way you want them to be. Is about the struggle of trying to find that balance in between keeping to nurture that friendship while healing the heartbreak. --It might not make any sense to some of you, but it does to me-- <3

So here it goes... A little piece of my personal journal that I hold very close to my heart! ....Enjoy!.....

Last night I hesitated.....

Last night I hesitated. Just like every other night, I hesitate to reach out to you.
I don't know why it happens, but I still think of you constantly. 
I don't know why I still miss you, when I've talked myself over and over again about all the reasons why I need to take you out of my heart. 

And so last night I hesitated. Just like every other night, I hesitate to reach out to you.
I do know why but I try to keep it hidden deep within my heart.
I try to look for excuses to hate you, but I have none. 
I try to erase the mark you have left in my heart, but my heart is not immune to the special imprint that you possess within me.

And after knowing all that.....
Last night I still hesitated. Just like every other night, I hesitate to reach out to you.
I know why it happens and even though a little less, I do know why I still think of you.
I know why I still miss you, even after looking for countless reasons to take you out of my heart.

I hesitate because I have offer to be part of your life and all I get is silence.
I hesitate because if I am your rock like you always say, then nothing can push us away and all I get is distance.
I hesitate because even though I love you and think the world of you, I am a solid woman that needs to keep her DIGNITY. 
I hesitate because if you really want me to be the rock in your life, then you wouldn't be so stubborn and you would make a way to be in it.

And well, I will continue to hesitate every other night, because my heart wants to keep LOVING you.
I will hesitate because I don't want to grow pieces of bitterness within me. 
And I figured if you really want to be in my life....if you really want my presence in your heart, not only would you reach OUT without hesitation, but your presence in my life would have been unquestionable. 

                                 --Marisabel Matta-

That is All!
#offmysoapBox #ImNotEvenMad
Besos!! Muah! 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Letters to Grandpa....

Dear Grandpa, 

Just a short year ago, you were walking here with us.

Today you are gone, but we will always honor your memory.

My heart and mind were troubled the other day that I wished Heaven had visiting hours, so I could go up and embrace you in a big hug and listen to your words telling me:" Everything will be alright, you got This... FOCUS! You are strong my granddaughter." ;'( 

But I'm happy to know that you are out there without pain, looking down on me, knowing that I will ALWAYS walk In Victory because that's the only way you've taught me how.... <3 <3 

It was such a great night filled with mixed emotions.... But the highlight of the day was the messages I found from my little E.... I guess my heart was not the only one writing a letter....

 "Dear Grandpa,

Me and Janechca Miss you, I hope you do well in Heaven."

2nd mssg:" Please find the cure for cancer, my grandpa died because of it and now I Relay for him. I miss him... -Ezequiel-

In order to recover our sense of hope and courage, we must acknowledge our mourning in a healthy way, remembering and honoring the past, but looking ahead into the future with HOPE. 

"Blessed are those that mourn, for they will be comforted." -Matthew 5:4

Friday, April 24, 2015

Be a Woman of Substance

To all my Chicas, a little inspiration for you all!!!! ;-) 

Learn to Be a Woman of Substance!

"A woman of Substance knows that life is NOT a Fairy Tale where she has to SIT and WAIT for a Prince to come on a white horse and make her dreams come true. She STRIVES HARD to overcome all the obstacles to achieve what she wants because she knows that if she wants something she has to FIGHT for it."!!! -Aarti Khurana-

It takes COURAGE to commit to remain SINGLE, especially as a single mother. But when you commit to work on yourself FIRST, to "Aquire" things and complete "milestones" in your life for yourself FIRST. You actually Learn to appreciate yourself FIRST before Expecting anyone else to appreciate you. You learn that you are Capable of amazing things you never thought possible to do on your own. And even though it is not an easy road (yes, it gets lonely sometimes) the satisfaction that you get knowing that you let the process and the journey Change and mold you... It's Priceless. 

You learn to Love people in a different light and way. You accept Life's course and adjust sail. And in return.. You will get respect, appreciation, inspiration from others without you having to EXPECT. You build a Life for yourself that when someone comes, is not to "rescue you" But to COMPLIMENT what you already Have. ;-)

I already have a Savior, and that's Jesus in My heart. With HIM ALL, without HIM I am NOTHING!! <3 <3

Woot Woot! 

And yes after my 6 mile Run, I am feeling FANTASTIC!! 

I hope you all have an amazing FRIDAY!! Muah!!!! Xoxoxoxo! #besos 

#inspiration #womanofsubstance #fitdiva #fitlife #fitness #lifeinspiration #AartiKhuranaQuotes #inspirationalQuotes #inspirationalmessages #fitsinglemom  #Single #singlemommy #singlemothers #ROCK

Sunday, April 12, 2015

I Can't do everything, BUT everything I can I will Do

Where I go they go!!! Not because I make them but because they want to! <3

I took a little break at the top while waiting for them because they wanted to climb up the bleachers, to show and say...:"mommy, I can do it too" ;-) I have learned over the years that......

"It's NOT what you do for your children, but what you have TAUGHT them to do for themselves, THAT will make them successful human beings"

I'm a single mom and I realized that no matter how much I do for them, at the end it will never be enough because I can't be mom and dad... I will always lack what a male figure can give them... But what I can do is teach them that I accept I can't do everything for them but everything I can I will do... But also I can show then through my actions that they are ABLE to do things for themselves.....!! #BoOM a little Track #Reflection "Parenting is tough because it forces us to GROW."


"your children WILL become who you are; so Be who YOU want them to BE" 

Are you who YOU want to be,if Not... Then Start Working on it!!!!! Muah! #SundayFitnessWisdom 

#fitlife #fitdiva #fitmommy #fitsinglemom #fitnesslife #loveyourself #lovemykiddies #TeamNoexcuses #nikeplus #JustDoitTeam #JustDoit #IjustDidit #inspiration #parenting #actions #Doit #tracktraining #track #Besos

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Above all..... choose to live with INTEGRITY

"Whatever values you hold dear—whether it’s kindness, gentleness, calmness, or honesty—live it. Be it, even if the people around you don’t seem to value the same things; especially if the people around you don’t seem to value those things. That might be the very reason you came into their lives."

Looking at this pic, it makes me think about that thought.

Wanted to share this with you.. If u know me by now, I'm quite the "ponderer".

Our wonderful receptionist comes to my office and tells me I have a "visitor" --It was a busy day at work and I was not sure who it was" she proceed to let the "visitor" in... A sweet woman (one of our patients) walks in carrying this big green beautiful plant and a gift box in hand.. Enters my office and says:"I'm sooo sorry" me>>> shocked at this point thinking that she got the wrong person... 

She proceeds:" I am very sorry, I was so Rude to you yesterday and I went home and kept thinking about you and how unfair I was to you with the way I treated you.. , and even though I was out of line, I was impressed of how calm and collected you were and I could not sleep"

Me:>> at this point remember about the situation, but  really after the incident yesterday I didn't think too much of it and went about my normal duties.. --

So I said:" Oh my Gosh! Everything is fine, don't worry about it, I didn't think to much of it"

She goes:" No I'm embarrassed and I'm very sorry.. Is this your office?! ... Here I got you this ( referring to the plant) I hope you like it in your office" and handed me the gift box..

I gave her a big HUG and told her she didn't needed to do all that and She said :" I know but I wanted to, I appreciate your kindness" 

I thanked her and she got teary eyed and told me how hard of a week/month she have had. 

And so you know, when she was gone I felt joy in my heart.. her thoughtfulness and gesture. she did not needed to do it, but she did anyway! We are all human, we all have "our bad days" but even though we have bad days too, we can all choose to live with integrity above all! She encouraged me today and I hope you Be encouraged too! 

 Especially when we live in a time that media only shows the bad and negative.. But forget to add emphasis in the many many many moments that a lot of us CHOOSE to keep our Humanity! 

Pretty amazing if I say so myself! 

"Being human is given. But keeping our humanity is a CHOICE" 


Much Love!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

""The eyes are the windows to the Soul"

So a good friend send this to me early this afternoon..... :-) 
Thank you Dre'! You are soooo talented, thank you for "enhancing me" ;-) hehe!! I really Love it! And it really inspired me...!!!! Xoxoxo! 

Now, everyone don't be fooled about all the filter and the editing involved! ;-) 
But it does like something that could be from a magazine...(when I get there, I for sure be calling you Dre') Lol! 

Now, in all seriousness, I let that quote Sinked IN for a minute! 
And then I wondered, how and what do people really see through my "windows" ... It made me wondered, do they see a perfect life, do they see happiness, do they see suffering, pain, Joy?!!! Strength?! 
And I often get emails, messages and calls of amazing people that tell me that I at some point have inspired them, and they lifted me up...... But I still wondered what do they really see?!

And so I decided to invite you through the "windows" of my last 2 days. (Only the last 2days, believe me there is so much more going on but I'm only sharing those last 2)!

My son woke up yesterday morning coughing in the verge of asthma (it's very mild and only gets it seasonal occasionally) 
So, I dropped my daughter, took my son to the office (thankful for my job and boss) and worked part of the morning making sure I finished some job responsibilities and then headed home to take care of my son... Making sure I did everything I could to make him feel better and healthier. Picked up my daughter and it seemed she was coughing too. Took care of them (the usual) put them to bed and started to get everything ready for the next day. 
Woke up today, son was feeling better (Hallelujah) and my daughter well was feeling better too.
Then before I left work, it started  to rain..(hear me out here, I know that there is snow in some places, I get it) but I picked up the kids and headed home... Knowing that I had to go to the grocery store to get a few things, but because I have 2 sick children did not wanted to expose them to the bad weather. Got home and fed them homemade soup, give them baths and realized that I have to go to the grocery store after all because I Really needed to get water among other things...
And so at this point, I can feel the little voice inside of me starting to say, "I can't believe I'm on own and have to do this" ... I try to ignore it and I just put on my big girl's panties and out the door I go...  
It was pouring outside and had to really maneuver so that the kids did not get wet, and all I needed was about 7 essential items! 
Got my groceries and loaded kids, trunk with the groceries and headed back home... On my way home, inside of me I was really having a pity party... Tears started to roll down my cheeks as I started to questioned God in my head...:"Why?! Why everything I have to do feels 5 times harder!? Why?!!... How long does He expects me to keep doing this on my own... How long?!" Then more tears started to roll down my face, because I don't want to be ungrateful... I'm glad I have a job, money to buy those groceries and car that runs well to take me here and there.... But I get Weary too!!! And I Dare NOT get Sick!! I simply Can't.....Yes, this so called "Super Woman" gets weary too. And with tears in my eyes, got home, took the kids inside first under the umbrella and then headed outside on the rain with no umbrella because I need both hands to carry groceries including a Big case of water... And right there when I was about to lose it.... 
A thought came to me about one of the staff members that works with me--nice lady called Stephanie--
And I remembered how this morning when I got to work, she came to my office, told me to get up and gave me a tight BIG HUG and held me for about 40 seconds....Followed by her sweet words:" I am Sooooo Happy YOU are HERE" it felt as she was not  meaning only at work but here In Existence. <3
And you know those words Carried me through the rest of the night and got me Out of the pity party I was about to embark... Lol!

Now, please don't take pity on me... I realized that there is actually a very GREAT percentage of single mothers out there that are having a REALLY tough time... It was not easy for me to be in the place I am today, but I'm glad, that I keep my life somewhat "together". And every single sacrifice that I have had to do and continue to do, it is all WORTH IT!!! Nothing compares to the Joy one can feel!

I want to encourage you today to really look at your "windows" what does your soul say?!
Whatever it is... Acknowledge it, all of it is important...a very good friend reminded me this week that Healing comes from letting enough room in your soul to be angry, happy, enough room for grief, for relief, for misery and for JOY! 
So Be encourage, just the same way I am... And never forget that there is always someone, somewhere that is having a Tougher time than us!!!!
-Thank You Leisa- <3

And to my Single Mommas out there... I'm sending you a BIG HUG and I want you to know that I am sooooo HAPPY You Are HERE... I am very glad of your Existence!! Keep pushing forward!!!!
Thank you Dre' for your inspiration today!!! Xoxo! 

Muah! Besos!! 
This Diva is Checking OUT!! 
#Peace #ThatIsAll #OffMyChest
#divachronichles #keepPushing #itsgoingToBeOK #Beencouraged

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Heartbroken...... We are so used to know this word out of a complete negative impact. Pain, disappointments, betrayal. 
I have been there and One feel such an excruciating pain. Your heart inside that chest pocket.....Same place but completely shattered to pieces. Feeling as if you can't even breath anymore, not knowing how to put the pieces back together, how to heal.
But then your heart heals and it feels good to be able to have the courage to be vulnerable again.... To Love! 

Now, how about a different side of heartbrokenness...... How about been heartbroken in the most wonderful and beautiful way you can ever imagine. Having someone in Your life that would do anything to be with you... that someone that 
, WHEN YOU KNOW THAT YOU KNOW....Yet, circumstances of Life, Distance, makes it close to impossible to follow your heart and give it a try....

The irony of it all!
Yet.... Caring and loving enough to wish nothing but the very best for you.... To be willing to continue in your life even if it is from the "side lines"....An act of unselfishness that only a "Heart of Gold" would do. A true act of Love. You don't come across many of those in a lifetime.
A moment like this that will challenge your mind/soul and makes you think....:"Should I conform myself to the cards dealt to me from life?!" Am I able to live with the "What if"?! Am I really willing to let Life circumstances DICTATE my future?! 
One thing I know for sure though, years ago I decided that I would never ever again would allow myself to live trapped on limitations. I promised myself I would Have the courage to listen and honor my heart and follow the desires within my heart. To honor myself on that decision.., to always Dare to go BEYOND MY LIMITS."
Yet, I also remember saying to myself years ago too..... "Lord, I want your ways to become my ways"

**Holding ON to His promises****......."Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me." -John 14:1-
**I** Believe! 
#DroppingUpTheMic #ThatIsAll 
#offMyDivaBox #ConfessionsofAHeart #AlwaysKeepingItReal 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

How Can It Be?!

Today at church I was reminded of this truth:

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" Romans 5:8

While we are still sinners, He loves us. We are all imperfect and we can Never measure up to His Love, yet He still Loves us. You and me just as we are. We all go through different forms of temptations, we struggle with thoughts of shame and... guilt. And even though is refreshing to hear this same truth, deep inside of us, we still question....How can it be?! Oh, Jesus, How can it be when at some point we all been guilty?! How can it be when our "dirty" bodies and souls, will never measure up to your Holiness? How can it be that you will love me like this?!
We struggle with this truth and we doubt ourselves that there is no way possible we will be able to be "clean enough", to be "perfect" enough to follow Him and receive His promises into our lives. We hide all of this inside of us and we tell to ourselves that we will wait until we are good enough to turn our face to Him. Yet, we forget that there is no way possible of us doing all of this in our own strength and power.
What about the message of His Grace?! Yes, what about Grace?!
A message that remind us that He Breaks our CHAINS, in Him we can overcome, He gave His life so we can be FREE!
You see We are all the same, but what set some of us apart is that we had make the decision to follow Him with our shameful "baggage" and place it in His hands knowing that we are still guilty, ashamed of what we have done, but trusting that we will continue to overcome. We still struggle but we wake up every morning with the choice of turning back to Him and try ONE MORE TIME... We never STOP TRYING, we NEVER GIVE UP!

And as I write this message to you in "Social platform" I asked of of you to Never put me up on a pedestal, never perceive me or my life as something so "perfect" and "unattainable " because it is NOT! I carry the same struggles within me as you do. I wake up sometimes ashamed of thoughts, behaviors, old habits. I feel sometimes Tired of following a path that feels as if is not taking me anywhere, to then be reminded of this same truth, then I shake myself up, get back up and try it one more time. To be reminded that I was made for a purpose and therefore I should never Give Up! We are all in this constant battle together and I am here today to remind You that yes YOU are Good Enough especially in the place you are in your life. I am here to remind you that YOU DO NOT Need to MEET God where He is at.... That's nearly Impossible, But I Promise you if you let go, He will MEET YOU RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!!!
I pray that He will shake your heart, I pray that He will cover your life with His perfect love and that He will give you a glimpse of the perfect purpose He has set for you.

I hope you are encourage in Him today,
As always Much Love from this Diva's heart to yours,
Besos! Happy Sunday!
#DivaontheLoose #chekingout