Saturday, October 10, 2015

"O' You of Little Faith"

You know there has been some AMAZING things happening in our  ministry with Give Her Wings.

If u don't know what this ministry is l about please check us out at

Our Team/ Organization runs with about 10 volunteers that do this out of the goodness of their hearts. We are all with different backgrounds and all place a pivotal part in this growing Minsitry. 

I currently sit on the Board and also am the Financial Director and is amazing to see how God moves on the inside, especially when it comes to numbers. There is really not a perfect "Number Formula" when it comes of the Spirit of God moving Through his people... my friends it just happens, simple as that! 

My heart is so thankful and I know    The GHW's team feel the same for all the love that is pour out from all of you into the Mamas we support. You are being a part of God's Movement in our ministry !!! 

This morning I shared a little bit of     A message that came to my mind In regards of the amazing movement God has made in this ministry to our team and I wanted to share part of it with all of you.

I know that, If there is ONE and ONE only thing I have LEARN through these last 5 years is To Never, Never Cut God short of his capabilities.

I have trust God wholehearted in my life because I have seen His spirit at work Moving... We can be in the negative and go way above and Beyond in a HOT second. We all might get discouraged at some point because we are humans, but I love when God chooses to let me Witness His amazing power.

I never, ever DARE to doubt or Cut him Short of the plan He has for blessings and even challenges! 

I love the parable of Jesus walking on the water... And I have heard it at least 3 times on these past few weeks...
And while discussing it with a few bible groups it has given me even a greater insight on exercising and reaching Ultimate Faith in my own Life......

Matthew 14:27-32

When the fisherman were afraid seeing Jesus walking on Water. Jesus reassure to them by saying: "Take COURAGE, It is I, Don't Be afraid"

Then in verse 28 Peter kind of "challenged" Jesus by telling Him "If it's you, tell me to come in the water"... So He did and when Peter got out of the boat and starts walking towards Him
He saw the wind and kind of FREAKED OUT.. Lol!
And started to sink and Jesus extended His hand and help him back into the boat and told him...:" You of Little Faith, why did you doubt?"

This reminded me that often times we kind of challenge God and when He shows up BIG we sometimes want to roll into a ball and not come out because we don't know how to deal with it... Lol! yes... His Power is so amazing that it can be overwhelming, but as God said don't doubt... We might not know it, but He has equip us already to handle the MOVEMENT of this POWER!!!!!

I don't know why I'm sharing this, but for some reason it kind of turned into my devotion this morning and thought of how God has moved in the last few days with power in our ministry.

Often times we cry out to God and cry out and when God moves like a rocket, or shakes and Rock a Few BOATS we sometimes tend to PANIC. And this parable remind us to never  Doubt or Cut Him short of His power.

I always and constantly Pray for this ministry to Explode and I can feel God Moving Us into that direction!!!

I have prayed the last few weeks because with life and routines we tend to feel as if God is way up there, far away.. But I'm smiling because seeing Him, moving and working through this, it reminded me that God is Always Near... So Near that sometimes when we are aware we can feel His whole presence so Heavy in us!!!!

I'm taking all of this in and I'm asking for you my friends to stand continuously in support and prayer for this amazing Ministry that God is carrying in His hands! 
I cannot help but to have a twinkle in my eyes and a smile on my face for the good things he is doing!!! 
And I know God is not even close to be DONE here!!

So please keep SHARING!!!!!!!!!!

Muah! Besos!!!

#DivaCheckingOut #Boom 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Expect a Blessing,Victory, deeper Strength and an Overabundance!

Good morning!!!!

As I sit here on Jury Duty waiting, not knowing what to do with myself, because I don't remember the last time I was just sitting still in a room with Nothing to do... Lol!
We are always so busy that it feels weird sometimes to just sit.
And so after getting caught up on all of my emails, sending responses to messages, etc...

I decided to continue to read a book I brought from home. And As I'm starting to turn the pages to search the last page I was since last time.. I re read a sweet message that my Mother wrote to me, and it became my devotion for this morning and I wanted to share with you. 

She send me this book as a Mother's Day gift and as I flip into the first page of the book a hand written note from her was included
Which her words exactly translated were:


For each problem EXPECT
a Blessing....
For each fight EXPECT 
a Victory....
For each disappointment EXPECT
a deeper Strength....
For each necessity EXPECT
an Overabundance....

Remain loyal to your Faith only and never forget that you have an Angel by your side, you are Never Alone.... God is with You! 

I love you daughter!"

She also included a Verse Proverbs 31:10 "

And as I'm sitting her reflecting on these words, I can't help but think how grateful I am for my Mother to reminding me and filling me these past years with the Love, Hope and Peace that only God can bring into our Hearts....

I pray that you go onto your week with a new belief that no matter what you are facing and how hard of a mountain climb you have going on... God already has provided you with the equipment to surpass it All... And  as you go on and press forward with Him, I pray that you can  recognize the amazing ways in which He is Shaping you!!! 💕💕

Much Love from this Diva to you!!!
Muah! Besos!! 💋💋💋

Gracias MADRE!!!! Te amoooo!!! 💕💕💕💕❤️💋💋