Thursday, September 24, 2015

I Loved You ENOUGH


I Loved You ENOUGH

I loved you enough until you broke me. I loved you enough to the point of forgetting who I was. 

I loved you enough until I stopped honoring myself, to become the person you wanted me to be. I loved you enough to the point of loosing any sense of self-compassion, to the point of losing my self esteem. I loved you enough until my heart was desperately screaming for Peace. 

But in the midst of all that love in despair, loving you enough taught me that when you pour love in the wrong places, you will always find emptiness and you will always forget to be fair.

And through it all, my heart was shattered, but I was humbled enough to realize God was the only one able to mend every single piece back together. And even though my heart will never be the same, I can stand firm on God's precious grace, knowing how valuable my broken journey has been for the good use and purpose of His Kingdom! 

#Diva #DropsMic 👋🎤 #BOoM #FreshOutOf this Diva's #WritingDesk 💋💋


Sunday, September 13, 2015

A Good Good Father.....


Have this verse stuck in my head from last night sermon... 

So much depth and truth my Spirit is hanging on right now from this powerful word!! 

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are NOT WORTHY to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us"-

-Romans 8:18

"Because your LOVE is better than LIFE, my lips will glorify you."-- Psalm 63:3

I woke up today.. Thanking Him... So thankful that in the midst of my Biggest struggles now years later having the chance to "glance" back and realizing that God has been good even through my toughest times and even though Life will never be perfect and recognizing that there will always be struggles, there is always a DIFFERENCE in how you can overcome those struggles coming up Victorious when we decide to FIX our Eyes on Jesus!!!!

He is a "Good Good Father... That's who He is, and We are LOVED By Him... That's Who We are"

Muah! Besos!!

#SundayWisdom #WeareLovedbyHim