Saturday, August 27, 2016

Heartbroken... But His TRUTH remains Spoken!!

...... LOrd, let me be reminded everyday that "Your Word is a lamp upon my feet and a Light unto my path"-Psalm 119:105

Last night, I got a RESOUNDED "NO" directly from God. From a situation that tied up someone in my life that I have grown to care about for the past year in a more close, deeply level. And well, Of course, sometimes we do prayers based on what We want,. Even though we know ultimately if we are following God's plan we will not always get what we think we want. Because He is eternal, He can see beyond the surface. 

And as I received and was reading a message from this someone I care very deeply, I heard God's "No". It was so loud and clear that I felt as if I Got Punched in my heart, I felt my whole spirit crumbled before me and I felt a big punch in my stomach as I kept reading the message and it left me out of breath. 

You know, I think I can count the times when I have had this feeling, not many BUT they have marked me as a person and mainly as a woman, and this one right here has been added along with the few. And as I stood there without been able to control my tears, I felt God taken the "veil" I created for myself in this particular situation and I let Him enter me into REALITY, His reality.

 Things that I was not willing to see before,  He was trying to show me. And for the first time in my life as a Believer this "No " didn't made me dissapointed in God. ..... Did it hurt?... Yes!.... Am I still a little out of breath by the disappointment of this small, but significant situation?.... Absolutely! 

You see, I asked Him (months ago), well it was more like a "cry out to Him, I prayed specifically for the answer I told Him what I wanted to happen, but I also boldly said that I will accept His will if it was not accordingly with what He wanted for me,  I told Him SLAMMED THE DOOR then. And He did. 

I was so committed to listen to God's voice this time, that I actually wrote it down on my daily devotional Life Journal Prayer list dated and  It's right there printed, and today as tears were rolling down my face, I wrote the date that this particular  prayer was answered. I accepted your answer Lord,  I am committed to wait on Your time, not mine.  

I think is amazing how the closest sometimes we can feel God in our lives is by the sound of His NO. 

I know God cares about me deeply and I just gotta keep believing. 

I'm praying for my heart and spirit to remain FOCUSED in only the things God has ordained me to do.

I pray for not only His continual Discernment within me but for the COURAGE to follow through and act upon it. I pray self-control within me is guided Only by His Spirit.

And if u read this and feel this in your heart too! 

I pray for you out there to continue to be strong and in faith, I want to remind you that "man/woman" is guarantee that sometimes will fail you.. You probably will fail someone too, but to be prepared with your mind Grounded in Him and to have a clear Focused mind on the things you are destined to do to become the person you are called to be... Because when the occasional disappointment arrives in your life for whatever the situation, you can still (even though broken) STAND on that strong foundation you have built in HIM.
Let God be your pilar, no HUMAN can replace that.. No human is strong enough to sustain you. Only God can keep holding u up! 
Lord, let us not be foolish into thinking that people can fill the voids in our lives!
I thank you for this truth today Lord! I thank you for the people you bring into my life and for the people you remove to protect and guard my heart! Thank you Jesus! 

I'm #heartbroken but #HisTruthRemainsSpoken in my heart! 

#NotDroppingBUTSlaminTheMic 🎤🎤

 #Journaling #pourYourHeartOut #DivaOnTheLoose💕🙏🙏🙏📚📝#

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