Sunday, February 17, 2013


I've been thinking these past few weeks, what to write in here. And all I could hear inside this Diva's mind has been ...hmmm...well..."Crickets" ...Yep, very silent up there. :-/
 Then I remembered the time I started this blog, I think it was 2010. Still married at the time, knowing and feeling as if I had A LOT to say, yet Words wouldn't come out of me. So, I kept the blog here in the cyberspace, empty and lost. I knew deep inside that one day it would be of good use to me, just simply didnt know when.
Now, Fast Forward almost 3 years later, looking back never in a MILLION years thought my life was going to SPIN  the way it did,  and so here I am writing my first Piece.. HA! >> Probably full of typos but, Hey I am not a Professional Writer, I DO NOT Have a team of Editors and if you feel insulted by it, please and I say PLEASE ***Do not Let the Door hit you in the A$$*** and So with that said and out of the way, I am inserting a **BIG SMILE** << here.

So, lately as some of you may have noticed, my statuses on Facebook have become almost like letters, really LOOONG and out of control, which made me feel like "Hmmm.. maybe it's time to move myself into my blog space." Lol! I am pretty sure a lot of people will be happy about that.. ha ha!

For those of you who don't know me and even those who do, I am not writing my whole "sappy" life story in one post or to "update" you. I am just taking this as I go. Now, if someone out there wants a little background you can check my Athlete Page on Facebook >>>

Marisabel (PRDIVA) Matta- A Diva On the Loose  <<< Link added for your convenience..:-)

Now, We went to Church today and it was GREAT! Love how it filled my Spirit! Kids loved it too and finally, Florida it's feeling like Home after 10 months from our BIG MOVE all the way from California.
This Mama Bear is getting stuff handled and we are Almost Completely Settled!! Woot Woot! ;-) Very Proud of myself and my little ones, we are Troopers and CHAMPIONS!!

After hearing the message at Church, of course a DIVA like ME will do some Deep Pondering HA!
and this quote came to mind:

"If you want to live a Happy Life, tie it to a Goal, not to people or objects".
                                ~Albert Einstein~

                        ^^^^^^****^^^^^ Smart Guy eh?! ;-)

This made me think of how *We* live in a World today of "Victimization" ..... Everybody wants to be a Victim or looking for an opportunity to BE a Victim. Even those who are NOT looking to be a Victim, Society ENCOURAGES them to Be a Victim. Pretty Amazing and true when we look at it from this perspective isn't it?
Now, when that happens, we are allowing ourselves to place or set our minds in a "stand still" mode. Expecting that things will change on its own without us having to move a finger!!  <<<<< Trust me, I've been there and I'm NOT Proud of it!
But, once I recognized THAT attitude, I made the changes necessary as painful as they were and made the decision to change my mindset...

The reality is this, People will hurt you all the time throughout your life, BUT it is completely up to US to decide how to handle the outcome!!

This Diva CHOSE to Focus on getting back UP and looking forward to the Future, MY Future, A new future that I want to build According to God's Plan for me. Relentlessly with a foot in front of the other, determined to get there. By acting this way I've come to realize that because my focus was set on my future instead of my past or whatever happened to me or how hurt I was..... Blah Blah Blah!!!
I Stopped being a Victim......I CONQUERED.... I became a Survivor and Now, I am Living AGAIN!!

All because of a Choice, A Power that all of us have and it is my CHALLENGE to you this MONTH to take an inventory of what's inside of you and see if there's a victim in there waiting to be rescued.

STOP the VICTIM...... CONQUER..... Be a SURVIVOR and DARE to LIVE each DAY.

This Diva is Off her Soap Box,

<3 Besos <3 ;-)

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