Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Heartbroken...... We are so used to know this word out of a complete negative impact. Pain, disappointments, betrayal. 
I have been there and One feel such an excruciating pain. Your heart inside that chest pocket.....Same place but completely shattered to pieces. Feeling as if you can't even breath anymore, not knowing how to put the pieces back together, how to heal.
But then your heart heals and it feels good to be able to have the courage to be vulnerable again.... To Love! 

Now, how about a different side of heartbrokenness...... How about been heartbroken in the most wonderful and beautiful way you can ever imagine. Having someone in Your life that would do anything to be with you... that someone that 
, WHEN YOU KNOW THAT YOU KNOW....Yet, circumstances of Life, Distance, makes it close to impossible to follow your heart and give it a try....

The irony of it all!
Yet.... Caring and loving enough to wish nothing but the very best for you.... To be willing to continue in your life even if it is from the "side lines"....An act of unselfishness that only a "Heart of Gold" would do. A true act of Love. You don't come across many of those in a lifetime.
A moment like this that will challenge your mind/soul and makes you think....:"Should I conform myself to the cards dealt to me from life?!" Am I able to live with the "What if"?! Am I really willing to let Life circumstances DICTATE my future?! 
One thing I know for sure though, years ago I decided that I would never ever again would allow myself to live trapped on limitations. I promised myself I would Have the courage to listen and honor my heart and follow the desires within my heart. To honor myself on that decision.., to always Dare to go BEYOND MY LIMITS."
Yet, I also remember saying to myself years ago too..... "Lord, I want your ways to become my ways"

**Holding ON to His promises****......."Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me." -John 14:1-
**I** Believe! 
#DroppingUpTheMic #ThatIsAll 
#offMyDivaBox #ConfessionsofAHeart #AlwaysKeepingItReal 


  1. I love that after all, you managed to keep strong. Walk with him... he will deliver. Stay focus on what is in front of you but alway be aware of your surroundings. Live life to the fullest.

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