Sunday, February 1, 2015

How Can It Be?!

Today at church I was reminded of this truth:

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" Romans 5:8

While we are still sinners, He loves us. We are all imperfect and we can Never measure up to His Love, yet He still Loves us. You and me just as we are. We all go through different forms of temptations, we struggle with thoughts of shame and... guilt. And even though is refreshing to hear this same truth, deep inside of us, we still question....How can it be?! Oh, Jesus, How can it be when at some point we all been guilty?! How can it be when our "dirty" bodies and souls, will never measure up to your Holiness? How can it be that you will love me like this?!
We struggle with this truth and we doubt ourselves that there is no way possible we will be able to be "clean enough", to be "perfect" enough to follow Him and receive His promises into our lives. We hide all of this inside of us and we tell to ourselves that we will wait until we are good enough to turn our face to Him. Yet, we forget that there is no way possible of us doing all of this in our own strength and power.
What about the message of His Grace?! Yes, what about Grace?!
A message that remind us that He Breaks our CHAINS, in Him we can overcome, He gave His life so we can be FREE!
You see We are all the same, but what set some of us apart is that we had make the decision to follow Him with our shameful "baggage" and place it in His hands knowing that we are still guilty, ashamed of what we have done, but trusting that we will continue to overcome. We still struggle but we wake up every morning with the choice of turning back to Him and try ONE MORE TIME... We never STOP TRYING, we NEVER GIVE UP!

And as I write this message to you in "Social platform" I asked of of you to Never put me up on a pedestal, never perceive me or my life as something so "perfect" and "unattainable " because it is NOT! I carry the same struggles within me as you do. I wake up sometimes ashamed of thoughts, behaviors, old habits. I feel sometimes Tired of following a path that feels as if is not taking me anywhere, to then be reminded of this same truth, then I shake myself up, get back up and try it one more time. To be reminded that I was made for a purpose and therefore I should never Give Up! We are all in this constant battle together and I am here today to remind You that yes YOU are Good Enough especially in the place you are in your life. I am here to remind you that YOU DO NOT Need to MEET God where He is at.... That's nearly Impossible, But I Promise you if you let go, He will MEET YOU RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!!!
I pray that He will shake your heart, I pray that He will cover your life with His perfect love and that He will give you a glimpse of the perfect purpose He has set for you.

I hope you are encourage in Him today,
As always Much Love from this Diva's heart to yours,
Besos! Happy Sunday!
#DivaontheLoose #chekingout


  1. Wow... we all have a purpose... and is to connect with each others in his name. Nice Diva!

  2. Wow... we all have a purpose... and is to connect with each others in his name. Nice Diva!

  3. Yes, We do!! I hope you and your family are doing well!
