..Sometimes, I am speechless and I don't have all the answers.
..Sometimes I cry in the middle of the night wondering how long do I have to keep my "stance".
..Other times I laugh uncontrollably, until my belly hurts.
..Many times I redirect my thoughts and focus into the One that created me.
..And as I am reminiscing back on this year, gratefulness does not come close to how I feel.
But this picture right here was the defining moment for me this year.
It was in the balcony of my hotel in Siena. It was the FaceTime call I made to my mom and sister and then to my dad. It was my big smile, sharing with them the breathtaking view, that looked as it was taken straight outta of a textbook.
Right then and there, I felt God kissing my soul.
Right then and there, I knew how it feels to truly follow your dreams.
So, my birthday message this year, won't about me and all the wonderful things I have done this year.. Or all the pains and challenges I have gone through, but instead the message this year is a challenge to all of us.
What are we doing towards reaching our FULL potential? What are we doing to Block the doubts that we all place in our hearts? What are we going to do for ourselves, instead of sitting in front of a screen comparing our lives to others? What are we going to do to find justice and healing inside our hearts?
I know we have circumstances out of our control, but are we wiping our tears and getting up and trying again, or are we laying in bed crying, believing all the lies we tell ourselves?
This year I learned that I don't have to prove myself to anyone.
This year I learned that no matter how ridiculous our dreams look like "on paper", saying yes to the impossible is worth every tear, every sacrifice of time and every negative word turned away from my destiny.
"What you THINK about, You BRING about"... And boy, ain't that the truth.
I pray this year that God will INCREASE my Discernment to continue to fulfill His purpose in me. I pray that He will give me the boldness and strength to continue that journey.
Thank you for being part of my life! Cheers to 37 years young!!! ☝️Actually it is just my 7th anniversary of my 30th bday
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