"I am learning that the key to life is not about how to be closed and numb while expecting the emotional benefits of being open, but learning how to become a healer of ones own soul in order to TRUST that you are safe within your openness:)" -- Jada Smith-
God can always offer us wisdom, can strengthen our soul to be able to exercise trust to be open. We will learn about boundaries and sometimes we'll get hurt while exploring our individual boundaries, but the experience and the joy of the lessons you learn about life comes with it.
"Daring Greatly means the courage to BE VULNERABLE. It means to show Up and be seen. To ASK for what you NEED. To talk about how you're feeling. To have the HARD conversations. "
Sometimes the heart gets weary, fatigue or tight, but having the wisdom to find the little "nuggets" in between the heartache we experience while being vulnerable are imperative. They are gifts and blessings into our own life when we can find the hidden lessons, in between the hurt, challenges, brokenness. We can learn from one another even if sometimes we must choose to part, to let go.
i have LEARN to live my LIFE without being afraid that sometimes I might be the one that LOVES the most. ☺️✌️😎💤💤💤💤💓💞