Sunday, July 13, 2014

Be PRESENT in the present GRATEFULLY!

"There is in every woman's heart a Spark of heavenly fire which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity"

It is a great feeling been able to find His light within me through my past adversities. And joyfully today in my moments of prosperity, I'm able to keep that fire Lit Up within me, reminding myself TO REMAIN grateful for everything He has given me today! 
"If you must look back do so FORGIVINGLY, if you will look forward do so PRAYERFULLY, But the wisest course would be to BE PRESENT in the present GRATEFULLY." 

I am Present TODAY, with a grateful Heart and in a relentless and passionate pursuit to chase after Him until I am completely clear and realize that He is the ONLY LOVE of my Life. I pray and pray harder that my heart will stay rooted within Him so that THE man He has for me can ONLY find me Through Him! 
Is one of the hardest prayers my heart carries because as humans we always want our way, but I stay grounded and rooted in Him because everything that comes through Him is not just good, But Amazingly GREAT!! . 
I pray today that you are ENCOURAGED in Him, that you know how BEAUTIFUL YOU are, and that He LOVES you deeply! 
Thank you Jesus! 

Much Love as Always,
<3 Besos <3 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Dare to go BEYOND your Limits!!

As usual a little MIA from my blog but, I promise I will get back on the blog wagon soon.

I'm in such a High of life right now. All these challenges I've faced in these past 2 years just to get established with my 2 children from my cross country move and starting in a different state over 4,000 miles away from where it was my home for 13 years has been quite THE JOURNEY! 
But this year seeing our life coming together, not the way I planned it or intended to be, it has been an amazing thing... Challenges, Risks and All. 
I feel blessed, I have grown as a women and mother even more because I'm always receptive to the lessons my unique journey provides for me. I am only STRONG, and beautiful because of God's Strength and Love. I am so grateful of the opportunities He has given me and the ones that will keep coming along the way. 
I was reminded today at our Church Service, the place I was years ago, and how amazingly graceful God has been to me. 
I hope that today if you believe in God, your Strength and hope are renew. 
And If you Stopped believing in Him Long time ago, because of Hurt, Disappointments, Judgements of "Christians" ... Would you look at my life? My soul? My Good intentions and my Life inspiration?! And if I tell you that everything in my life only Mirrors His amazing Spirit within Me.... Would you believe in Him again??!! 
My hope and prayer is that you do!!!! We don't need to be perfect, I am NOT perfect, and Will never Be and God knows that! 

"I bear MANY scars, but I also carry with me moments that would not have happened if I had NOT DARED to go beyond my Limits" - Paulo Coelho 

It is because His Faithfulness that I Dare to go BEYOND my Limits!!!!!! Woot Woot!!! 

I hope all of you Beautiful People have a Fantastic Sunday!!! 
As always Much LOVE, 
 <3 Besos <3 Muah!! :-*