Thursday, March 27, 2014

Pray. Share a Smile. Give a Hug. Lend a Hand.

 I have been a little "MIA" from the "Facebook scene" and blog too.
 Life has become busy, but productive all in a good way. It has allowed me to Refocus, reset my mindset and to evaluate those things and values that are important for the new life I am building with my children. 
And well here I am wanting to give all of you a little update about us. =D 
I am always grateful to all of you out there that genuinely care, have inspired, cheered on and kept us in your prayers. 
Well, 2014 a year I claimed to be of VICTORY, a year of reaping the good things after all the tears, challenges and perseverance over every single obstacle that came my way. 
I continue to move and push forward because I want nothing more that to become the human being I am destined to be. I'm relentless to fulfilled the special purpose God has set aside for me and to leave a real legacy in this world behind. Whether a tiny little seed, a footprint or a mark that will change someone's life is more than enough for me. 

And well, I want to share the new journey I am about to embark......
It has been in my heart for many, many years to be a missionary, an advocate, a voice to those that don't have any. Whether locally, internationally it never mattered to me as long as it was to serve and so my missionary heart has always long for an opportunity like this. 
One of my goals this year was to give more of my time to others and to INVEST in something "fruitful". And soooo here I Am....... An opportunity became available for me to serve to Africa this Summer!!!!! 
As you can imagine, I am Very excited, anxious, Excited, nervous of the unknown, excited, prayful, excited, blessed and YES EXCITED!! LOL! 

And well you know how much I love COUNTDOWNS, so here it is...... 
Countdown has BEGUN and I am super Happy to be sharing my excitement with all of you!!!! 

So YES People, my name is Marisabel Matta. I am a Single Mom, a business woman, a student, a mover and a SHAKER, Survivor, an advocate and now a Missionary!!!! 

No. I am NOT Super Woman!!!
I am an ordinary person JUST like YOU, with an unbelievable determination, a vision and a PASSION to follow my purpose and DREAMS..... Woot Woot!!! 

Please, please PRAY and PRAY some more as I embark on this wonderful journey. I will be visiting Mbare, Rwanda in Africa on a missionary trip from our church ( Highland Park Church in Lakeland) with 10 others. 

Rwanda in east-central Africa is surrounded by the Denocratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi. 
It is slightly smaller than Maryland. In 100 days, beginning in April 1994, Hutu rampaged through the country and slaughtered an estimated 800,000 Tutsi and their moderate Hutu sympathized. After the violence was ceased, the country began to rebuild and put together the pieces that were left. Highland Park Church sent a team to Rwanda in Aug 2011 to begin work on a 4 classroom building in Mbare village. The building has since been completed and are partnering with missionaries there to begin construction on an addition to the building adding 2 more classrooms and restrooms. 
We also will try to provide more school supplies and I will be working on soliciting donations to different companies on dental supplies to provide some education on dental hygiene for the children!!! =D

Each one of us have to raise at least $3,000 to cover for travel costs and in addition we will be doing our best to get as many school supplies as we can. 
Please, please keep us in your prayers. 
If you feel led to make a donation no matter how big or small inbox me. Money will NOT be payable directly to me but to the church into my "trip account" I can send the link to those interested and it will be tax deductible. Now, please don't feel obligated as this is NOT the purpose of my post. Prayer in itself means the world to ME!! ;-) please LIKE and SHARE this post to all of your friends. I would so appreciated it. 

"Our lives Begin to End the Day we Become SILENT about things that matter ~ Marthin Luther King Jr~

Thank you for helping me keep the FIRE God has set DEEP down in my soul. I pray that not only my words but my ACTIONS serve as an inspiration and will touch the hearts of many. 

Remember, in the words of the wonderful Martin Luther King Jr:" Life's most persistent and URGENT question is, What are you doing for others?!" 

YES, What are WE doing for others?! 

Pray. Share a Smile. Give a hug. Lend a Hand.

As always, Much Love to all.
Diva is checking out.
Muah! <3 Besos <3 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Celebrating Healing and Freedom

It has been a while since I posted on my blog.
 Life's been busy and challenging... In a good way this time. :-) 
I can't believe it's been 2 years in FL already, I still miss Cali but I'm excited of how well things are turning out here for all of us. 
Just recently I've decided to attempt finish reading this book:

"Why does He do that? Inside the minds of Angry and Controlling Men" by Lundy Brancroft

It was reccomended to me years ago by a great friend of mine.. My dear Katy who was and still is such a great support to me while going through my separation. 
 At the time, I was not yet strong enough to digest all the information and got very overwhelmed, so I stopped reading it and put it away.  
But, recently after a few conversations and some experiences other friends are going through, I remembered and decided to dig into it. After almost 4 years of freedom and challenges I am at a healthy place in my life where I can process and digest all this information. And the wonderful thing is that it has made me realize how much I have healed and moved forward from that past experience. I'm still on the road of emotional healing and recovery, but I can sure confirm that I'm emotional, spiritual and physically healthy in the midst of my past.  I made the decision to make changes in my life, to stand up for myself and the things that are not right. I now surround myself with people that respect me and understand my value and I eliminated the people in my life that did not appreciate me and decided to build my foundation with God. 

It's a great book and I encourage anyone to read it. Whether married, single, in a relationship, going through a divorce or even if you have a teenage daughter. I wished I had this book in my hands as a teenager, but with my life experiences, knowledge and wisdom, I know better now to not JUMP into a relationship or something quick, only for the simple fact of feeling lonely or desperate for some attention....<<< Amen! For that...;-) 

Choosing the road to be free of abuse is not an easy one, especially if it entails becoming a single mother and dealing with your healing and tending of  precious little ones. 
But I am a living proof that it can be done. 

Being single is not easy at times too, but it is always good to remember to enjoy the seasons of your life as they are only temporary. 
While on this season, I have learn a lot about myself... I've been determined to find myself again, to nurture my desires and to focus on becoming the person I am destined to be. 
And I am doing all of that with great SUCCESS!

Remember that:" Genuine love means respecting the humanity of the other person, wanting what is best for him or her, and supporting the other person's self-esteem and independence. This kind of love is incompatible with abuse and coercion."

And a "mind that is stretched by a New Experience can never go Back"

And so, my mind is never going BACK... Moving FORWARD!!

As always, 

Much Love! 
This Diva is checking out!!
<3 Besos <3 

#healinginMotion #standupToAbuse
#getknowledge #identify #makechanges #inspiration #divawisdom